New Feature In Adobe Ilustrator CC 2020 Nip Creative

1. Intuitive Simplify Path
In Illustrator CC 2020 the Simplify Path feature got much smarter and more intuitive to use. You can significantly reduce the amount of anchor points in your illustrations without recognisably changing the outline of your paths.

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You can find the feature in the menus under Object > Path > Simplify Path.

Additionally the Remove Anchor Point Tool got smarter too in this release, allowing a more precise path redrawing algorithm when using the tool while holding down the Shift key. With this new shortcut the tool will ensure that your path stays as close as possible to the original shape after removing anchor points.

2. Background Save
It can take quite a long time to save big files in Illustrator and in past versions you had to wait around until the dreaded progress bar disappeared. With Illustrator CC 2020's Background Save this is not the case anymore. Now each time you save a document you will be able to continue working on the same document or even open another file, while the first document is being saved in the background.

It is worth mentioning that at this point the Background Save option only works with the native Illustrator file format (AI), but hopefully soon it will also work with other file common types (EPS, PDF, etc.).

Besides this there are also a lot performance improvements making Illustrator CC 2020 running noticeably smoother and more efficiently than previous versions.

3. Auto Spell Check
Illustrator can now automatically highlight grammatical errors in over 50 languages as you enter text. This feature is not yet supported for East Asian languages. This option is not active by default and it needs to be enabled in the menus: Edit > Spelling > Auto Spell Check.

If you prefer to run manual spell check you can also do this by starting the Spell Checking command from the same menu as above or by pressing Cmd/Ctrl+I keyboard shortcut.

4. Recolor Artwork for Freeform Gradient
This might seem like a minor improvements, but for those who use these two features often this is a game-changer. Freeform Gradient was undeniably the most exciting new feature of Illustrator CC 2019 and with this update it just got even better.

Recolor Artwork is the most advanced recoloring method in Illustrator and it is great to be able to apply it to objects with Freeform Gradients on their fill colors.

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